Saturday, April 26, 2008

Hanging out on the sofa

Commentary from my friend Glenn. I loved it so much I had to post it.

" Look into my eyes. Take a deep breath and as you let it out, close your eyes and begin to feel yourself relaxing."
"Now become aware of your arms... now relax your arms... let them grow more and more comfortable... let the muscles become loose and limp and even more relaxed".

"That's right, good, you're doing just fine."

"Now, take our your wallet and buy those chocolates for me (I saw this move on Bewitched)".

"Now, wasn't that fun? Let's just put the chocolates over here. Now, take out your American Express card. Do you see that red bicycle?"

Friday, April 18, 2008

The little man...

As soon as he learns to work the remote, I will never get to watch what I want ever again... PVA

Is all of this really necessary?

and to answer the question; yes it was.
When we left the house, the sun was out. We walked through rain, sleet, snow and hail before we could get back home.

Relaxing in the jacuzzi

Oscar and Grandpa

I don't understand this game...
Let's play "Who's got Grandpa's nose?"

Playing with cousin Amanda

Oscar and cousin Amanda
Monkeys jumping on the bed...
It's a HOOT!!!!
And he still wants to jump all the time.

One more boy at the window

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Things I never thought I'd do

Apologies for being so lazy lately. I've been traveling a lot, and we took Oscar to Florida, so we've been slightly busy. Our neighborhood newsletter just went through a publication cycle too, so that tied me up for a few days. I've been doing the layout for them.

Paul has taken lots of new pictures that we'll post soon.

I've been compiling a mental list lately of things I never thought I'd do. I almost want to call it "I hate poo Part 2".

1. I never thought I'd smell another human being to see if they had crapped their pants. However, I do want to point out that I have NOT started sticking my finger in his diaper to check it out.
2. I never thought I'd eat a jar of baby food after someone else drooled in it, but darn it, apples and plums are TASTY!
3. I never thought I'd smell something rancid on myself, realize it was just a little puke, and not change my clothes IMMEDIATELY.
4. I never thought I wouldn't scrub myself for hours after another human being peed on me.
5. I never thought I'd be one of those people who had to show others all of the cute pictures of their kid. Actually, I SWORE I wouldn't. Not only do I keep a public shrine to the little fellow, I actually bring it up on my phone to FORCE others to look at him.
6. I never thought I could survive on less sleep than I did in my twenties.

There's more, sappier stuff, that I could write, but that wouldn't make it funny, would it? More pictures will be up soon. He's getting very big. I've got a few videos I can try and edit as well and get up by the end of the weekend.